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Values ​​Contained In Pancasila

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

 Value is something of value, quality, show quality, and useful for humans. Something that means something is worth valuable or useful for human life. The existence of two kinds of values ​​are in line with Pancasila as the ideological assertion is open. The formulation of Pancasila as the opening of the 1945 Constitution. Paragraph 4 is expressed as a base value and penjabarannya as instrumental value. The base value does not change and can not be changed anymore. As important as the basic value contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, its not yet operational. It means we have not been able to translate it directly in everyday life. Explanation of the 1945 Constitution itself point to the implementation of the law as the basis of the written law. Basic values ​​contained in the preamble o
f the 1945 Constitution that requires further elaboration. The translation of it as a direction for real life. Elaboration was then called Instrumental Value.Instrumental value must also adhere to the basic values ​​it describes translation of it can be done in a creative and dynamic new forms to embody the same spirit and within the limits allowed by the value basis. Elaboration that obviously should not be contrary to the basic values.B. VALUE AS A SOURCE PANCASILAThe acceptance of Pancasila as the state and national ideology logical consequence that the values ​​of Pancasila is premised basic, fundamental basis for the implementation of the Indonesian state. Contains five principles of Pancasila, which in principle contains five basic fundamental values. The fundamental values ​​of Pancasila is the value Belief in God Almighty, Value Fair and Civilized Humanity, the value of the unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the value of wisdom role in deliberation / representation, and the value of social justice for all the people of Indonesia. In a brief statement that the basic values ​​of Pancasila is the value of divinity, humanity, unity values, democratic values, and the values ​​of justice.The meaning of value in the Pancasilaa. Belief in the value ofAlmighty deity Value Containing meaning the recognition of and confidence in the nation against the existence of God as pancipta universe. With this value states the Indonesian nation is a religious nation is not an atheist nation. Value also features the divine meaning of the recognition of the freedom of religion, respect for religious freedom, no coercion and no discriminatory effect among religious believers.b. Value HumanityThe value of a just and civilized humanity implies an attitude of awareness and behavior in accordance with moral values ​​in life together on the basis of claims of conscience by treating something as it should be.c. Value UnityValue of unity implies Indonesia united efforts towards the determination of the people to foster a sense of nationalism in the Republic of Indonesia. Unity of Indonesia as well as recognize and fully appreciate the diversity of the nation owned by Indonesia ..d. Value PopulistDemocratic values ​​are guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation implies a government of the people, by the people and for the people by way of consensus agreement through representative institutions.e. Rated JusticeThe value of social justice for all Indonesian people has meaning as well as the basic purpose, namely the achievement of the Just and Prosperous Indonesia outwardly atauun inwardly. Basic values ​​and normative nature abstract. Because of its abstract and normative, it can not be operationalized. In order to be operational and explicit, have translated into instrumental values. Examples of instrumental values ​​are the 1945 Constitution and other legislation.

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